Act, telco immunity debate extended 15 days

Unable to reach agreement about whether or not to include retroactive telco immunity in a new surveillance law, both houses of Congress approved a 15-day extension yesterday to the current surveillance act. The Bush administration also softened its early stance that President Bush would veto any type of extension.

Bush had scolded Congress in front of the nation Monday night during his final State of the Union address, saying essentially that the time for debating the issue is done. The current law was set to expire this Friday, and it remains to be seen how 15 days more of debate will lead to a resolution that satisfies everyone. But, to Congress I guess the goal is to push needed votes in one direction or another, and to make deals to do that when necessary, so look at the next two weeks as a time for cashing in old favors and requesting new ones.

For more:
- read this story in The Washington Post

Related articles:
- Other attempts by Congress to act this week have failed