California targets broadband access gaps

The state of California has one of the highest penetrations of broadband availability in the nation, but it isn't satisfied. Instead of being happy with 94 percent penetration, the California Broadband Task Force is focusing on the remaining 1.4 million people in the state who don't have it, and is urging the state government and industry to work together to solve the problem. One possible idea is for the state to issue debt--so-called broadband bonds--to finance deployment, but one task force official said the group wants to target ways to expand access without additional funding. It's an admirable effort and certainly there are states more lacking that have done less, but given that earlier this week we talked about one California town that had only just received basic phone service and several more that still don't have it, maybe there are other pressing problems.

For more:
- see this story in The Sacramento Bee

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