LightEdge lights a fire under T-1s

Managed service provider LightEdge announced it would replace its T-1 architecture with Actelis Ethernet-over-Copper (EoC) equipment. Telcos have long had a death grip on the market for T-1 circuits, despite their expense and length of time to deploy for customers. The T-1 market, in fact, may have done as much as DSL to extend the life of existing copper plant.

More recently, the development of innovations like Carrier Ethernet and EoC are changing the game, providing greater bandwidth and other features at lower prices than T-1s.

But, will ILECs, often followers with new technologies, be quick to take advantage? With managed service providers like LightEdge jumping on EoC now, time's a-wasting. ILECs need to be more aggressive marketing T-1 upgrade if they don't they want opportunity stolen from beneath them.

For more:
- Telephony covers a deployment of EoC here