Markey re-starts Net neutrality legislation

Rep. Edward Markey (D.-Mass.) finally introduced his long-awaited Net neutrality bill late yesterday. Called the Internet Freedom Preservation Act, the bill would push Internet service providers to move network traffic along without making prioritization decisions based on traffic type or traffic sources. It would also give the Federal Communications Commission more control over enforcing Net neutrality and policing questionable network management practices.

The bill had been expected to surface late last year, and it arrives just as the FCC is looking into Comcast's controversial delaying of some peer-to-peer Internet traffic. Comcast, in a filing yesterday with the FCC, defended the practice of delaying P2P file-sharing, saying it improves overall service quality for its larger group of network users.

For more:
- read this story about the Markey bill at The Wall Street Journal
- or this report about Comcast from the Associated Press

Related article:
- News of a potential new Markey bill first spread last NovemberÂ