Number Resource Organization: IPv4's end is near

If you haven't put your IPv6 transition plan in order, you'd better do so soon. A new report from the Number Resource Organization (NRO) revealed that less than 5 percent of the world's IPv4 addresses remain to be allocated.

After APNIC, the regional Internet Registry for the Asia Pacific region, assigned two blocks of IPv4 address by Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) in January the IPv4 pool came below 10 percent. To date, over million 200 million IPv4 addresses have been allocated from IANA to the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

Despite the panic over IPv4 address depletion, the good news is that IPv6 adoption is on the rise. IPv6 adoption rose 70 percent in 2010, with the five RIRs set to allocate 2,000 IPv6 address blocks this year. Conversely, IPv4 address allocations are forecast to grow only 8 percent this year.

While businesses and residential end users still need to be educated on the IPv6 transition, service providers such as Comcast, Google, Qwest and Verizon are taking action to ensure the IPv4 to IPv6 transition is on track. Keeping in mind that the movement to IPv6 is a transition and not a flash cut, service providers and their network equipment vendors will have to simultaneously provide IPv4 and IPv6 in a dual stack fashion.

For more:
- see the release

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