SPOTLIGHT: Consolidation intensifies RFP process

This will not come as a surprise to anyone who has been closely watching carrier consolidation unfold (or is "fold up" more accurate?), but the deals that created two megacarriers in the U.S. have begun to change the nature of technology innovation among the vendors seeking to serve them. It's now becoming clear that vendors need to be very influential early on in the request-for-proposals process in helping megacarriers formulate technology needs just to get a seat at the table later on when those carriers are looking for quotes. Time and effort spent doing that is less time and effort spent innovating general technology improvements. Telephony covers its own Telephony LIVE event

Editor's Note: We'll point your toward publications covering their own events when we feel the coverage is very relevant, and will always identify the relationship between the publication and the event. Since all industry publications, including this one, now have their own event portfolios, expect to see this happen more often.