SPOTLIGHT: Study: Teleworkers affect office environment

A study from Rensselaer Polytechnic suggests that companies with a high number of remote teleworkers may suffer from a changed office environment in which the traditional office-bound lot are less satisfied with their jobs, and more likely to leave the company. The dis-satisfaction could have to do with lack of emotional connection to remote employees, the perception that office-bound employees do more work, or other factors.

The study comes at a time when teleworking continues to increase and technology makes the transition easier and more seamless than ever. However, there may also be a growing backlash against teleworking at some firms, like AT&T, where some teleworkers reportedly have been called back to the office.

For more:
- check out this report in Network World

Related articles:
- Rumblings about AT&T's telework pull-back began last fall