Flux CD is an open-source Continuous Delivery (CD) platform that automates application delivery pipelines to Kubernetes clusters by leveraging GitOps principles. It works by using source control systems such as Git to let users designate their ideal application state, monitors changes in the source code repository and automatically produces deployments to keep apps up to date.

The Internal Developer Platform explains that Flux CD was developed by Weaveworks at first and is now available on GitHub under an Apache 2.0 license as part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation notes these beneficial features of Flux CD:

Automated Deployments: By automatically deploying updates to the cluster and continually checking the Git repository for changes, Flux CD automates the deployment of applications. This guarantees consistent deployments, gets rid of manual intervention and lowers the rate of human error.

GitOps Workflow:  With Flux CD, developers may specify the required state and configuration changes in Git, adhering to the GitOps methodology. This streamlines change management and tracking by encouraging version control, teamwork and auditability.

Progressive Delivery: Using Flagger, teams can execute progressive delivery techniques like A/B testing, blue/green releases and canary deployments with Flux CD. This reduces production risk by enabling safe and regulated application upgrades.

Secure by Design:  With pull-based operations, least privilege and easy connection with security tools, Flux CD is designed with security in mind. These characteristics aid in safeguarding sensitive resources and preserving a secure deployment pipeline.

Compatible with all common tools: Numerous well-known Kubernetes products, such as Kustomize, Helm, GitHub, GitLab, custom webhooks and policy-driven validations like OPA and Kyverno, are all easily integrated with Flux CD. Teams may simply integrate Flux CD into their current workflows and utilize their chosen tooling thanks to this flexibility.

Why is Flux CD important?

Flux's ease of setup and integration with Kubernetes have contributed to its popularity. Using a declarative configuration file that is simple to read and change, DevOps specialists can quickly deploy solutions to Kubernetes with Flux.

Flux manages deployments using the GitOps methodology, which proposes that the desired state of your application be stated in source code and version-controlled using Git. This technique makes it simple to collaborate with other team members and monitor deployment modifications.

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