UIUC Vet Med Making Use of EchoVideo

Through rigorous multi-species study, the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine (UIUC Vet Med) is uniquely positioned to explore critical connections among animal and human health, the environment, and agriculture. Through outreach programs and direct services, UIUC Vet Med touches the lives of thousands of animals and their owners. And through innovative education, UIUC Vet Med is preparing the next generation of veterinary scientists.

Creating and Managing Video Content Has Never Been Easier

Students at UIUC Vet Med are expected to internalize a lot of information during their first three years in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program before shifting to a full-time focus on clinic life in Year 4. Now that UIUC Vet Med instructors are recording all of their classes with EchoVideo, students gain access to a valuable reference tool they can use to review lectures and other classroom content. The institution’s Audiovisual (AV) department also takes advantage of EchoVideo to streamline daily tasks, giving them more time to help instructors better engage their students.

Echo360's e3 Formula in Action

EchoVideo’s Universal Capture capabilities make it easy to record every lecture at UIUC Vet Med, and the platform also offers engagement tools and real-time analytics to help instructors get more out of classes.


Studies show that learners who actively participate in course content retain more of the information and achieve better educational outcomes. EchoVideo provides threaded discussion boards so all students can collaborate and arrive at an answer without waiting for their instructor to just give it to them.


EchoVideo content is more than just a recording of the classroom experience. Instructors can take advantage of engagement features such as embedded quizzes and video splicing to help their presentations pop.


EchoVideo automatically keeps track of key metrics such as how often students are watching videos and which sections they’re spending the most time on, giving instructors the evidence they need to identify which videos are effective and which might benefit from more polish.

Three Key Takeaways

Bulk Scheduling

Unlike other video platforms, EchoVideo supports bulk scheduling using .CSV file formatting. UIUC Vet Med uses these capabilities to streamline recordings, giving AV staff more time to teach instructors how to use EchoVideo’s analytical tools or show them how to make content more engaging.

Affordable Accessibility

All EchoVideo content is captioned and placed in a searchable index, allowing students at UIUC Vet Med to search for terms such as “dog” or “cardiovascular” and immediately go to places in the video where they’re discussed.

Universal Capture

UIUC Vet Med instructors use EchoVideo to capture content on their terms, whether that means setting up automatic recordings, offline video capture, or receiving notifications when a recording is interrupted so they don’t need to start from scratch.

“Overall, the batch scheduling capability means that a process that would normally take me over 30 hours a year is reduced to about three and a half hours,” said Terrence Stuber, coordinator of audiovisual services, UIUC Vet Med.