Acorn Labs launches service making cloud computing accessible

Today, Acorn Labs announced public beta availability of its cloud developer platform Acorn, a service that makes it simple for anyone to run software in their own cloud sandbox and easily share their creations. From the creators of Rancher and k3s, Acorn aims to make cloud computing accessible, collaborative and delightful for developers.

Acorn offers a free sandbox environment where users can deploy software for up to two hours at a time, as often as they like. Users can experiment with innovative technologies, learn how containers and server software work, and easily share their creations, all without cost barriers. This free plan is designed so even someone with little experience can launch a cloud application as easily as they install an app on their phone. The only thing users need to sign up for free access is a GitHub account.

"Cloud computing has become increasingly complex for large organizations, let alone individual developers and small teams," said Acorn CEO Sheng Liang. "With Acorn, we've eliminated that complexity. Users don't need to be experts in Kubernetes, Terraform, DevOps or AWS to take advantage of the power of cloud computing. Acorn puts the power of the most popular cloud computing solutions at your fingertips. The only question is what you will create from then on."

As users progress to production, Acorn's commercial plans provide flexible and scalable solutions tailored to the unique needs of organizations of all sizes. Built on AWS infrastructure, Acorn enables users to pay for infrastructure as they use it, without having to navigate the complexity of cloud computing platforms.