Cloudbrink claims first with firewall-as-service for hybrid work

Cloudbrink has added firewall-as-a-service (FWaaS) to its zero-trust access solution, the first vendor to provide granular security controls all the way to the user edge for the comprehensive protection of endpoint devices.

The company, which delivers high-performance zero-trust application connectivity to the hybrid workforce, says traditional and next-generation firewalls fail to protect end users and their devices. 

Offloading remote-user security functions improves the stability of existing firewalls and the network performance experienced by remote users, Cloudbrink claims.

Prakash Mana, chief executive officer of Cloudbrink, said: “Firewalls were designed to protect the data center, then the network, and now the cloud. But you have to deliver protection where data is consumed and curated, which is with your users - and increasingly users are everywhere.”