Cycode elevates its security first, Developer-friendly AppSec & ASPM platform with new capabilities

Cycode, the leading Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) platform for code to cloud, today announced the expansion of its hardcoded secrets detection in cloud-based workplaces, as well as a collaboration with Azure DevOps pipelines to ensure end-to-end supply chain integrity and a new IDE plug-in for seamless integration with VS Code.

Building upon its existing code-to-cloud coverage, Cycode now extends its secrets scanning capabilities to encompass Confluence, AWS S3 buckets and Azure environments. This expansion empowers organizations to proactively identify and remediate hidden security risks by detecting hardcoded secrets across diverse platforms that go beyond code.

“Hardcoded secrets are a ticking time bomb, but Cycode can help defuse it,” said Ronen Slavin, co-founder and CTO of Cycode. “The proliferation of tools and technologies that developers use increases the risk of hardcoded secrets, spanning from code repos to the entire supply chain. For example, secrets can be stored in Confluence, AWS S3 buckets and Azure environments. By expanding its secrets scanning capabilities to include these tools and environments, Cycode helps organizations achieve full coverage and reduce the risk of data breaches. Security teams and developers need to collaborate to guarantee proper protection, and Cycode’s expanded secrets scanning capabilities can help them to do just that.”

In addition to the expansion of cloud-based workspaces, Cycode’s Cimon, a free CI monitoring solution to secure CI/CD pipelines, now operates with Azure DevOps pipelines to enable SLSA (Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts) attestation generation. Organizations using Azure DevOps can now enhance their pipeline security by automatically generating SLSA attestations, ensuring end-to-end supply chain visibility and integrity.