Huawei Cloud highlights open source innovation at KubeCon EU 2024

At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024, held in Paris on March 21, Dennis Gu, Chief Architect of Huawei Cloud, pointed out, in a keynote speech titled "Cloud Native x AI: Unleashing the Intelligent Era with Continuous Open Source Innovation", that the integration of cloud native and AI technologies is crucial for driving industry transformation. Huawei Cloud plans to keep innovating open source projects and collaborating with developers to bring about an intelligent era.

The increasing sizes of AI models demand more compute, which creates challenges for cloud native technologies but also creates opportunities for innovation in the industry. Dennis Gu shared stories about Huawei Cloud's AI innovation, offering developers a reference point to tackle the challenges.

Huawei Cloud used KubeEdge, a cloud native edge computing platform, to create a multi-robot scheduling and management platform. With this platform, users can use natural language commands to tell the platform what to do, and the system will coordinate multiple robots at the edge to accomplish complex tasks. The system is designed with a three-part architecture (cloud, edge node, and robot) to address challenges such as natural language comprehension, efficient scheduling and management of multiple robots, and cross-type robot access management. It uses large models to execute natural language commands and performs traffic prediction, task assignment, and route planning. The three-part architecture greatly enhances the flexibility of the robot platform, enhances management efficiency by 25%, reduces the time required for system deployment by 30%, and cuts down the time needed to deploy new robots from months to days.

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