Storj to revolutionize cloud object storage in 2024

Storj, today announced accelerated growth of its cloud object storage solution, which is positioned to transform the data storage landscape in 2024. Partnerships, organic growth and values-based initiatives continue solidifying Storj's position in tech innovation, policy and stewardship. 

Storj CEO Ben Golub says, "I'm proud to see rising confidence and reliance on Storj. Our customer data more than doubled in 2023, performance doubled, and we have billions of objects stored on our network in tens of billions of pieces distributed over tens of thousands of nodes surpassing 25 PB of customer data in 2023. With peta-byte scale customers including major production studios, healthcare companies, and telecommunication leaders, we're well positioned and are expanding our network of partners, MSPs, VARs and enterprise customers."

Growth & Validation

90% of the world's data was generated in the last 2 years and cloud storage is now a $100B market, growing to $480B by 2030, largely propelled by video, scientific/healthcare data and AI. Core strengths of Storj's are managing the very large files these sectors rely on and delivering S3-compatible, enterprise grade, cloud object storage, often 2-3x faster at  1/10 the cost and 1/10 the carbon footprint of AWS.

Storj achieved 226% y/y revenue growth in 2023 proliferating a smarter approach than first-gen hyperscalers burdened by resource-heavy data-centers. It easily handles TB files, while AWS Cloudfront is limited to 30GB, for example. Storj's infrastructure, providing infinite scalability and environmental sustainability, is a timely combination.
