Could bandwidth glut return?

Could bandwidth glut return?
Is there any chance telecom could experience another bandwidth glut? Take our poll here to let us know what you think.

Several telcos might agree with AT&T's assessment (see story below) that a bevy of new broadband applications and even more anticipated applications are filling broadband pipes as fast as they can be upgraded. We have seen several key moves just within the last few months that demonstrate a willingness by carriers to test and invest in big bandwidth enhancements both in the transport and access realms of the network.

The emergence of telcos' TV services, the explosion of Web video and the anticipation of other new content applications, as well as the rise of devices like the iPhone and Apple TV (an also some stuff, like SlingBox, that doesn't involve the Mac mavens) may provide enough evidence to have a very optimistic outlook for bandwidth demand.

Still, these applications and devices are only in their earliest phases of growth, which is a somewhat similar condition the industry saw earlier in this decade, just before predictions of a market-deflating bandwidth glut came true. Maybe this time, bandwidth demand is for real, but is there anyone out there who is just a little scared that it's not? - Dan

Related articles:
- Verizon recently tested 100 Gbps over a single wavelength