Intel announces WiMax and WiFi chip

Microprocessor and communications equipment giant Intel has designed a silicon chip to send and receive multiple wireless signals, including both Wi-Fi and WiMax. According to Information Week Intel researchers outlined the findings in four research papers presented at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference in San Francisco. As the findings were done under lab conditions they are far from being incorporated into mobile devices. 

The integrated silicon die supports WiMax and Wi-Fi's a/g/n standards. By integrating a transceiver capable of handling multiple frequencies on a single chip, Intel eliminated a "front-end module" technology that today performs the same function on a separate die, said the Director of Communications Circuits at Intel labs Hossein Alavi.  That cuts power consumption in half. Additionally, the researchers integrated an all digital power amplifier, increasing the quality and strength of the signal transmitted and received. 

For more:
- Intel Integrates Wireless Support On A Single Chip Article

Related article:
- Intel Makes Faster WiFi Chip Article