More predictions for Obama broadband, telecommunications policies

Speculation is rampant in Washington D.C. as to how the incoming Obama administration will use broadband and telecommunications technologies to stimulate the economy. 

On Monday, RCR Wireless reported on a white paper circulating among policy makers that states the incoming administration can get broadband to every community in America through a combination of Universal Service Fund (USF) reform, better use of wireless spectrum, promotion of new technologies and applications, and new tax and loan incentives. 

Business Week reports there may be a total of $20 to $30 billion in tax incentives for participating companies, but broadband tax breaks may come with net neutrality requirements attached - strings which cable and phone companies may not want.

Whatever happens, pressure to begin administrative and organizational reforms at the FCC is growing. Democrats are unhappy at current FCC Chairman Kevin Martin's management of the agency and the current decision-making process at the agency.

For more:
- RCR Wireless takes a shot at divining Obama telecom policy. Article

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