Windstream would expose pirates

Independent telco Windstream says it would provide account information for 10 customers in Arkansas who are accused of online music piracy if it faces a court order to do so. Not long after the Recording Industry Association of America launched its campaign to sue music file-sharers, telcos like Verizon and SBC (now AT&T) fought back against pressure to voluntarily provide such customer info; the RIAA now has to get a subpoena, which may or may not do the trick.

If such court orders are allowed to proceed, there isn't much most independent telcos can do about it, unless they're interested in more legal expenses. Meanwhile, the Electronic Frontier Foundation said the RIAA's lawsuits against file-sharers have been a waste of time, and suggested an alternative licensing program. Maybe telcos won't have to face these kinds of moral/financial decisions much longer.

For More:
- Forbes has an AP report in Windstream's situation
- ars technical has details about the EFF's comments